Registration: NOT OPEN YET

Registrations will be accepted through an online submission form. At the time of submitting this form, you will be asked to submit a proof of payment of the registration fee.

Registration fees should be paid by bank transfer. Details will be provided soon.

In addition to lower registration fees, African participants may apply to additional financial support to support their attendance. More information will be provided soon.

Registration Fees

Early Bird Rate
 Dec 30 2024

Regular Registration
Jan 1 – June 30 2025

Late/On-site Registration
July 1 – Aug 4 2025
African participants425$ USD450$ USD500$ USD
Europe, Asian, American participants550$ USD600$ USD650$ USD
Students1200$ USD200$ USD250$ USD
One-day Registration2180$ USD200$ USD250$ USD
Accompanying person180$ USD200$ USD250$ USD
Retired AETFAT members180$ USD200$ USD250$ USD

1Students should send their student status from the Registrar of their University or Head of Department or Supervisor by email to:

2One-day registration is not valid for presenting a paper or organising a symposium.


Full participants / Students

Admission to scientific sessions

Admission to Welcome Reception and Opening Ceremony

Admission to poster and commercial exhibition area

Admission to AETFAT 75th Anniversary Symposium and Dinner Dance

Presentation of oral paper or poster

Congress documentation

Identification badge

Conference bag and welcome package

Book of Abstracts

Certificate of Attendance

Mid-morning and mid-afternoon snacks


One-day registration

Admission to scientific sessions

Admission to poster and commercial exhibition area

Admission to AETFAT 75th Anniversary Symposium and Dinner Dance

Congress documentation

Identification badge

Conference bag and welcome package

Book of Abstracts

Certificate of Attendance

Mid-morning and mid-afternoon snacks


Accompanying person registration

Admission to Welcome Reception and Opening Ceremony

Admission to poster and commercial exhibition area

Admission to AETFAT 75th Anniversary Symposium and Dinner Dance

Mid-morning and mid-afternoon snacks
